2Be Ready! Tweaks To Your Incident Response Plan — Jay Holstine

Jay Holstine
3 min readFeb 2, 2023


Are you prepared for everything? The impact of a cyberattack or other data breaches can be devastating to both business owners and their customers. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to predict when a possible incident could occur — but there are measures you can take now to ensure your organization is ready when it does. According to Jay Holstine, having an effective incident response plan in place is essential for avoiding costly chaos and potentially mitigating risks as quickly as possible. Let’s discuss some tweaks you can make today that will better position your business with an incident response plan tailored specifically to the needs of your organization.

Jay Holstine Lists The Tweaks To Your Incident Response Plan That You Should Consider

1. Establish an Incident Response Team: An incident response team is a group of individuals, as per Jay Holstine, that is responsible for responding to security incidents. The team should include members from all areas of your organization, such as IT, legal, human resources, and executive management. This ensures that the right people will be notified in the event of an incident and provide the most effective response.

2. Establish Processes & Procedures: Your incident response plan should contain detailed procedures on how to respond to different types of incidents and actions required by each individual or department in order to resolve them successfully. These processes should also include when to involve outside help, what information needs to be collected, and which systems need to be monitored for further threats.

3. Develop a Communication Plan: In the event of an incident, it is important to communicate quickly and clearly with all stakeholders involved. A communication plan should include details about who needs to be notified when they should be contacted, and what information needs to be included in the notification. It’s also important to establish an internal process for documenting communications related to incident response efforts, as well as any outcome or resolution that follows.

4. Establish Automated Alerts & Monitoring: Security incidents can occur at any time and without warning; therefore, automated alerts are key for ensuring that suspicious activity can be detected quickly and addressed effectively. Your organization should have systems in place which monitor network traffic, system logs, application data streams, and user activity for any irregularities or anomalies that may indicate a security incident.

5. Develop Playbooks: To ensure attacks are responded to quickly and effectively, your organization should create playbooks that detail the steps required to address specific types of incidents. These playbooks should include detailed instructions on how to respond in different scenarios, such as malware outbreaks or data breaches.

6. Test & Review Your Plan Regularly: It is important, as per Jay Holstine, to review and test your incident response plan regularly to make sure it meets the needs of your organization and all stakeholders involved. This includes validating that processes and procedures outlined in the plan are up-to-date with current best practices; testing alerting systems for accuracy; conducting tabletop exercises to evaluate team performance; and regularly assessing the effectiveness of the plan. Doing so will help ensure that your organization is prepared to respond quickly and effectively in the event of an incident.

Jay Holstine’s Concluding Thoughts

According to Jay Holstine, by implementing these six tweaks to your incident response plan, you can ensure that your organization is well-prepared to handle any potential security incidents. Taking the time to review, test, and update your incident response plan on a regular basis should be part of every organization’s cybersecurity strategy in order to stay ahead of threats and minimize their impact.



Jay Holstine

Jay Holstine — Chairs a Vistage CEO peer group in Dallas Fort Worth and provides personalized CEO consultations for executives