Tips For Creating Online Safety Training For Your Employees - Jay Holstine

Jay Holstine
3 min readFeb 5, 2023


Are you a business leader looking to create training on online safety for your employees? With advances in technology and the increase in cyber threats, it’s essential that organizations ensure their employees are educated on how to protect their own data as well as that of the organization. Crafting an effective online safety training program takes knowledge and effort, but if done correctly, it can significantly reduce risks associated with activities like phishing attacks or data breaches. In this blog post, Jay Holstine discusses tips and best practices for creating an engaging and informative online safety training program that will help keep your workforce secure from cyber threats.

Jay Holstine’s Tips For Creating Online Safety Training For Your Employees

1. Create Clear and Understandable Content: Online safety training should be written in a clear, straightforward language that is easy to understand. Jay Holstine recommends avoiding industry jargon or overly complicated wording; any explanations should be provided in a way that all employees can comprehend. A good way to ensure this is to use examples of situations that could arise when using the internet, such as phishing scams or malware threats. This will help employees recognize potential risks, recognize warning signs, and develop proactive strategies for avoiding them.

2. Make Use of Interactive Elements: Providing interactive elements within your online safety training will keep participants engaged by allowing them to practice what they are learning rather than just reading about it. For example, you can create quizzes and scenarios that require participants to identify potential security vulnerabilities or demonstrate how they would react in certain situations. Not only will this provide a better learning environment, but it can also help evaluate the effectiveness of your training program.

3. Monitor and Track Progress: Monitoring and tracking participant progress is an important part of any online safety training program. This gives you the ability to assess progress and identify areas where more focus might be needed for individual employees or groups of employees. By creating customized reports based on employee performance, you can ensure that everyone is up-to-date with their knowledge and understanding.

4. Develop a Plan for Continuous Improvement: Online safety should not be viewed as a one-time event; rather, it should be seen as an ongoing process. Creating a plan for continuous improvement will ensure that you are always up-to-date on emerging threats, new technologies, and changes to existing protocols. This can include creating an internal security team or assigning someone in the organization to be responsible for online safety updates or simply taking advantage of any available resources such as newsletters or webinars.

5. Provide Recognition and Rewards: Rewarding employees who complete their training and demonstrate a commitment to online safety is one of the most effective ways to foster engagement with your program. According to Jay Holstine, positive reinforcement encourages further participation, which helps improve overall compliance rates and reduces risk levels throughout your organization. When designing recognition programs, consider offering tangible rewards (such as gift cards) as well as intangible benefits like recognition at company events. Through this, employees will come to understand the importance of online safety and be more likely to practice safe behaviors.

Jay Holstine’s Concluding Thoughts

Online safety training is a great way to make sure your employees are up-to-date on the latest safety information. By following these tips by Jay Holstine, you can create online safety training that is both effective and engaging for your employees.



Jay Holstine
Jay Holstine

Written by Jay Holstine

Jay Holstine — Chairs a Vistage CEO peer group in Dallas Fort Worth and provides personalized CEO consultations for executives